
Ready for a mortgage that better fits your needs? Start here.

Our mortgage professionals are ready to help.

Lower your monthly payment. Pay off your mortgage sooner. Or take cash out of your home. Whatever your goal, refinancing with Suffolk Credit Union can help you reach it. 

Start your refi application online

Find a better rate or terms to save you money

Opt for a cash-out refi for more flexibility

Mortgage options are available through Suffolk Credit Union in New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, Delaware, Ohio, New Hampshire, Vermont, Florida, North Carolina and South Carolina. 

Let's talk about what you're trying to accomplish and the options we have for you. A refi can really open up opportunities. Feel free to start your application now or contact our mortgage team with any questions. 

Helpful Links in Spanish to Guide You Through the Application Process

¿La solicitud de préstamo en español reemplaza la solicitud de préstamo en inglés? No. La Solicitud Uniforme para Préstamo Hipotecario Residencial (URLA) en inglés es la solicitud legal. Le suministramos la traducción de URLA al español para ayudarle a comprender la información. El documento URLA en inglés es el documento que usted, como solicitante, firmará y será el único que se utilice para evaluar la solicitud del préstamo. En caso de que existan diferencias entre la traducción al español y el documento URLA en inglés, la versión final en inglés firmada será considerada la correcta. Por lo tanto, deberá firmar el documento URLA en inglés. Aunque hemos tratado de traducir fielmente el documento URLA del inglés al español, ni Freddie Mac ni Fannie Mae ni Suffolk Federal se responsabilizan por inexactitudes en esta traducción ni por malentendidos que surjan por las diferencias en el uso o los dialectos del idioma.

Does a Spanish loan application take the place of an English loan application? No. The English Uniform Residential Loan Application (URLA) is the legal application. We provide the Spanish translation of the URLA to help you understand the information. The English URLA is the document that you, as an applicant, will sign and only it will be used to underwrite the loan. If any inconsistencies exist between the Spanish translation and the English URLA, the final signed English URLA will be considered correct. As a result, you must sign the English URLA. Although we have tried to translate the English URLA into Spanish accurately, neither Suffolk Federal, Fannie Mae nor Freddie Mac are liable for any inaccuracies in the translation or any misunderstandings because of differences in usage or dialect.

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